Code Awesome Ltd

Simplify the problem, deliver the solution

lets talk solutions

Let's talk solutions.

At Code Awesome there are no fancy sales teams promising the world. Instead you'll talk directly to the developers in plain language to ensure we understand your requirements and you understand our solution.

Whether you're in need of a sleek mobile application or a robust database-driven web solution, we've got you covered from concept to delivery.

Best of all because we're not paying layers of management and sales teams you're not paying them either making our solutions not only of the highest quality and reliability but also surprisingly affordable.

Form and function.

Simplicity and stability are at the heart of are coding ethos. Kotlin and Swift programming keep us in tune with mobile operating systems and right up to date with the latest releases.

Between us we have over forty years of development experience and we've learned, sometimes the hard way, how to get it right. We've got function covered with simple, stable, high quality code.

When it comes to form we're proud to partner with Design Company Brandified Ltd to ensure that our products not only function flawlessly but also look and feel exceptional.

form and function

Language and accessibilty.

With love of our native Welsh language and years of local experience come a deep understanding of the importance of language diversity. That's why all our solutions are built with multilingual capabilities in mind.

You want your solution to be inclusive and accessible for everyone. That's why we work hard on the accessibility of our UI making sure we reduce barriers for users with diverse needs.


We understand the importance of privacy and data protection. That's why we're dedicated to working with our clients to tailor GDPR compliance solutions that fit their unique requirements.

Let's navigate the GDPR maze together and ensure your data practices are rock-solid and compliant.

data protection

Want to talk to us about a solution? Use the form below to get in touch